17 January 2012

Update: Free Christmas

Well, I did manage to find presents for each of my family members with whom I spent Christmas. I gave books and DVDs that I wasn't reading/watching, necklaces I never wear, mixed CDs I made with the recipients' music tastes in mind, bottles of wine I'd actually bought for myself but decided I could part with, and coupons for shoulder rubs. It also helped greatly that a friend of mine makes fabulous scented soaps and gave me several bars, with permission to re-gift them.

What's more, I didn't spend any money this year on the wrapping.

To wrap this year's presents I used:
-recycled wrapping paper & bows
-pages from the free alternative weekly newspaper
-recycled greeting cards
-new wrapping paper I'd bought last year
-various gift bags and boxes I'd kept from presents I received in past years
-an empty stationary box

The trick to most of this, of course, is to keep empty boxes, Christmas cards, used bows, etc., which comes with its own price: space. A couple plastic tubs and various boxes are full of this stuff, and it does take up room in my closet.

If I didn't have the space (or hadn't kept this stuff), I would have resorted this year, as I have in past years, to wrapping everything in pages from the free newspaper and labeling presents with plain pieces of paper.
I like to look for large color ads or articles that the recipient might find interesting; it gives it a more thoughtful touch. (An example of this in the photo above is the present with the wine bottle on it, for my uncle who is something of a wine connoisseur.)

I'm curious about how other people saved money this Christmas. What were your tricks or strategies, from the actual gifts to the wrapping?

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