11 December 2011

Free Christmas

With Christmas approaching I once again turned to my budget spreadsheet. In past years I’ve been able to scrape up a couple hundred dollars for Christmas presents, which has been sufficient. (Last year all of my adult family members received a bottle of inexpensive but delicious wine, which cost about $100).
Being on a tighter budget than ever this year, I find myself with no money to buy Christmas presents, not even cheap wine. My options, therefore are: (1) To take money out of savings to cover the cost of Christmas presents & replace it after Christmas with whatever money I receive at Christmas; or (2) Come up with zero-cost present ideas.
Option two makes the most sense to me. I’ve looked around at what I already have on hand, and here are the zero-cost present ideas I’ve come up with so far:
-Mixed CDs compiled from my music collection (accompanied by guitar chords printed off the Internet for my guitar-playing relatives)
-Books off my shelf that I think a particular relative or friend would enjoy

-Homemade cards (I have a box full of craft supplies that I almost never use)

-Certificates promising future service (e.g. Dog-sitting, baby-sitting, cleaning, cooking a meal, etc.)

-Re-gifting household items that I either don’t use anymore or have never used, such as clothing, picture frames, or decorative knick-knacks
-Coupons from this year’s Chinook Book that I don’t expect I would use, but that I strongly suspect another of my friends would use

My survey of friends and co-workers for ideas to steal has also resulted in other low-cost ideas that, while not practical for me, may appeal to readers of this blog:
-Home-canned goods from the summer’s canning
-Jars of pop corn kernels
-Homemade baked goods, chocolates or candies

-Travel-size bottles of shampoo, conditioner & lotion; bars of soap; shower caps…in short, whatever could be claimed from the bathroom of a hotel room on your travels
-The blog Beg, Borrow, Barter chronicles a woman’s year-long experiment in not buying anything new and also has some ideas about cheap/free gifts
There are two criteria that I’m trying to follow in this gift-giving business:
1. Don’t give away anything I’ll need to replace at a later date. Otherwise it defeats the purpose. For example, I don’t want to give away my only copy of my favorite book because I’d just have to replace it later and while the expense is deferred it is not avoided. What I want to give away is a book I’ve either never read though it’s been on my shelf for years or which I’ve read once and think it highly unlikely I will ever read again. Probably I should also include in this criteria that I shouldn’t give anything irreplaceable: what if I decide later that I do want to replace it, but in order to do so I have to go back to Spain to find another one? Not good.
2. Don’t give just to give. I value thoughtful presents. An expensive gift that shows no awareness of my personality or lifestyle means far less to me than a cheap gift that takes into account my personality and lifestyle. I’d much rather receive the homemade chocolates than an expensive sweater I’ll never wear. So the book (or whatever) I choose to give has to be one that I not only don’t care about replacing but which would appeal to the recipient. Tricky. Very tricky.


  1. Sione, I'll be interested to get feedback on how your Free Christmas went. Were there any surprises? What were the challenges, etc.?

  2. HA! But as you well know, on at least one side of my family, Christmas has nothing to do with religious affiliation. We just like to get together, drink lots of wine, eat lots of food, and (for some) shower each other with gifts. In that respect it is like a second Thanksgiving: a celebration of abundance. You know, for those who HAVE an abundance. And for those who don't, it's a choice between faking abundance or sitting quietly in the corner and hoping no one noticed you didn't give presents this year. ;*)
